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Two lighted tennis courts are available for open play.

Only Members (and Guests accompanied by their host Members) may use the tennis courts. The tennis courts may be used from 8:00 am until 10:00 pm. Variations of hours will depend on the season, weather, and utilization of the facility. The US Tennis Association’s most current Handbook of Tennis Rules and Regulations shall govern tennis play.  All food and beverages consumed at the courts or courtside shall be purchased from the Club. Courts are to be used for tennis only and for no other purpose. Member households are limited to a total of 3 court Guests per day. No pets or animals are permitted on the courts. Smoking is prohibited on or around the tennis courts.
Guest players must be registered to play tennis or pickleball before playing. To register guests, the sponsor member shall send an email to [email protected] stating member’s number, the date of play, names of the guests and whether for tennis or pickleball. A guest fee of $5 per guest will be charged to the Member’s account. Members are on an honor system to register guests. Guests must be accompanied by the sponsor member at the courts. A member/ membership can sponsor 3 guests max.
All players are expected to observe proper etiquette on and at the courts. The use of profanity, loud noises, or any form of misconduct will be subject to disciplinary action. No person shall cross another court while play is in progress but shall wait until a point is over.  No person shall distract or interfere with players while a match is in progress.

Tennis or court shoes must be worn at all times. Men must wear appropriate length shorts, shirts, and/or appropriate warm-up suits. Women must wear tennis shorts, skorts, skirts, dresses, and/or appropriate warm-up suits. Tank tops, playing shirtless, running shorts, cargo shorts, cut-offs, and bathing suits are not permitted.